Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's like riding a bike....

In October I ran my first 5k race! It was amazing and for a cause that I'm very passionate about. It was in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness month. The race was established in honor of a breast cancer survivor named Liz Hurley, a television anchor. Liz Hurley has had a huge impact in our local community in raising awareness in breast cancer. In just 6 years her race has raised over 1 million dollars!

Completing the race felt like such a great accomplishment. It was raining and the energy was filled with a wonderful group of people. The race course awesome. We ran through the historical district of our town and the community was there to cheer us on.
My adrenaline was pumping. Things were great, but at some point during the race I injured my ankle but was unaware until a couple of hours later. The days following the race I stayed off my sore ankles but tried to get back on track around day 3. My poor ankles would not give. After a couple of Dr's visits, X-rays (including a bone scan), and weeks of crutches it was determined that I strained my left ankle. Needless to say, this was no fun. My Dr. advised me to stop running for 8 additional weeks.

After following Dr's orders I was finally able to run again. To be honest, I was very hesitant out of fear of re injuring my ankle. I'm so glad that I waited, because it was like riding a bike.... I was able to jump right back in. It felt great! I ran/walked 2 miles on my first day back.

I will be posting in the future on injury prevention. For more information on breast cancer awareness please click the following link: Breast Cancer Awareness

Have a great day!

The Healthy Fashionista

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

2009 was a tough year, but has brought so many blessing my way. My husband and I celebrated I our one year anniversary in August. He also lived through 2 blood clots in his lungs, which were results from a major knee surgery. Along with that my Grandma, Grandfather and Mother in law (twice) were also hospitalized. Through these issues and all others I'm so grateful to have such a healthy and loving family and all the many great moments. It is my goal this year to never forget the tough moments for they make me stronger and more appreciative for the great ones. I look foward to 2010. :)

Have a great year!
