Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Amazing Yoga Class

I took the most amazing yoga class on yesterday! Being a beginner, I'm becoming familar with the different teaching styles at my gym. In my past experiences I've left classes feeling great, but like I needed to do some cardio. The teacher last night... he kicked our butt. So hard that 3 or 4 students left the class; and at some point even the most experienced people in the class took a break. I started wandering if I was in a bikram yoga class because I was sweating my butt off. I finally get what all the craze is about over yoga. The only way to describe is, feeling 'centered' after class. And very sore today. ;) Needless to to say I'm can't wait to go back for more. I know I'm missing some of the poses but here's some links to the bulk of what we did (over and over):

Plank Pose

Four Limb Staff Pose (lower plank)

Downward Dog

Upward Dog

Cat Pose

Cow Pose

Chair Pose

Foward Bend

Warrior Pose I

Warrior Pose II

Warrior Pose III

I also plan to participate in Angela's Whittle My Middle challenge. Feel free to join me and comment on Angela's page with your results. I plan to do the exercises on days I'm not in yoga class. Angela is a huge inspiration to me. Check out her awesome blog called Oh She Glows.

Here's some cute yoga wear I have my eyes on:

Lululemon Energy Pullover

Lululemon Wunder Under Pants

How cute are these Lululemon Wunder Under Pants in Purple?

Nike Knit Knot Pants

Nike Dri-Fit Soft Hand Base Layer

Have a great day!
The Healthy Fashionista

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hello readers!

I’m Tamara, a 20 something year old, recently married, business woman. I have a degree in Fashion Merchandising but I'm not currently work in my field of choice. I love all things fashion and beauty related and really long for the industry. So here I am starting a blog...

So why the health piece? I am in no way an expert in nutrition. I'm merely documenting my transition into a healthier lifestyle, while staying in touch with my creative stylish side.

More facts about me:

*I love the LORD!

*I value my family more than anything in this world (including our family puppy Coco) :)

*I also love home decorating

I hope you enjoy my posts! Please feel free to comment!

The Healthy Fashionista